Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

kepalsuan cinta


hatiku terdiam tak berkata apa-apa
tak seperti biasanya yang selalu membisikkan sesuatu yang ceria pada ku.
oh....ternyata hatiku sedang terluka
Pisau-pisau kepalsuan telah menancap dihatiku
jadi karena itu ia sakit
ketika hatiku ku tanya..hey..kenapa kau..
hatikupun hanya mengeluarkan air mengalir pelan membasahi wajah hatiku
kutanya sekali lagi,,,,"kenapa kau"...
bibir hatiku pun masih terkatup tanpa terbuka sedikitpun..
sesaat semakin lama aliran airpun melambat terbukalah bibir hatiku..
"hatiku tertusuk sesuatu yang tajam"...
"tabir kepalsuan ini yang membuatku terkoyak tak berdaya"..
"bumbu kepercayaan telah aku berikan tapi sayatan kepalsuan yang manyayat hatiku" begitu katanya.
Obsesi sayangmu yang lebih terasa berat tuk kau lepaskan, lihatlah bekas sayatan - sayatan kepalsuan ini masih membekas jelas di kulit hatimu" kataku.
"ingin ku cabut kembali benih - benih kepercayaan yang kutanam pada orang yang telah memberiku benih- benih kepalsuan......aku tidak ingin mendapatkan lagi air tuba" kata hatiku lagi.
Akhirnya aku paham perasaan hatiku yang sedang terluka..aku harus membangunkan hatiku kembali ceria dan tersenyum manja.

Menghargai hidup


Hidup adalah karunia Allah SWT kepada setiap manusia. Didalam diri manusia terdapat ruh atau jiwa yang membuatnya hidup dan akan membawa dirinya kepada sesuatu yang haq dan yang batil dalam kehidupan dunia ini. Dalam diri manusia membawa takdirnya masing - masing dalam mengarungi bahtera kehidupan dunia yang penuh dengan sandiwara, seperti dalam sebuah nyanyian lirik lagu " dunia ini panggung sandiwara"...
Mengarungi hidup seperti Roda yang berputar dimana kehidupan manusia akan terus berputar seperti layaknya roda, manusia harus sadar bahwa suatu saat seorang manusia bisa diatas dan kadang bisa di bawah. dengan kata lain hidup manusia akan dihadapkan pada dual hal yaitu yang baik dan yang buruk.
Maka sudah selayaknya manusia harus bersyukur karena karunia tersebut. manusia bisa merasakan baik buruknya sesuatu. Sungguh merupakan suatu kenikmatan yang tak terkira yang diberikan oleh Allah SWT kepada manusia. Rasa syukur yang didapatkan oleh manusia sudah selayaknya dijaga dan pelihara dengan baik. Bukankan Allah telah memerintahkan kepada manusia untuk menjaga dengan baik kehidupan yang telah diberikanNYA.
Dengan menggunakan cipta, rasa dan karsa, manusia harus mampu mengembangkan diri untuk maju dalam etika, profesionalisme dan karakter yang positif sehingga mampu membuat manusia tersebut lebih berguna dan bermanfaat bagi diri,masyarakat dan agama.
Marilah, bersama - sama kita bersyukur kepada Allah atas kehidupan yang Dia berikan kepada kita semua dengan mengembangkan watak/karakter yang baik, pikiran yang kreatif dan inovatif dan beretika yang baik sesuai dengan tataran norma dan agama kita. Orang yang menghargai hidup adalah orang yang mau berpikir untuk bisa melakukan sesuatu yang positif dan baik dari sebelumnya."SHOW THAT WE ARE THE TRUE MEN"

Senin, 30 Januari 2012


Answer these Questions by choosing the right answer a,b,c or d !

This text is for questions 1 and 2

To : Department supervisor

Employees work best if they are happy. As a supervisor, there are things you can do to increase employees’s job satisfaction.

Make sure your employees understand what they have to do. Give them proper training so they can do it well.

Personal officer

Dian Kusuma

1. What Dian Kusuma suggests to increase employees job satisfaction?

a. If they are happy

b. If they understand to their supervisor

c. if they work best

d. Make them understand what they have to do and training them

e. Make them happy and training them what they have to do

2. Give them “proper” training...

The underlined word means...

a. correct

b. wrong

c. bad

d. useful

e. suitable

This text is for question 3 and 4


· All visitors are welcome by our library

· Only members can borrow books

· Member card is issued only for one year valid. Request for renewal can be automatically without any notice in advance. The use of card belonging to another person is not permitted

Thank you for your compliance

3. Who can borrow the book from the library?

a. all members

b. all visitors

c. all students

d. all readers

e. all members and visitors

4. “Request for renewal can be automatically without any notice in advance”.

What does the sentence means?

a. we should ask permission from the library before

b. we can not ask for renewal anytime

c. the renewal should be proposed a week before

d. we need a notice to renew the card

e. the renewal can be proposed anytime

The text is for questions 5 and 6

From : Rob Skillern


09:15 a.m.

Tom, Joanne and peter have just landed. Could you organize a car to meet them at the airport?They’ll go straight to the office. There’s a meeting at 10.45. they’re no rush though.

Thanks heaps

5. What is the message about?

a. The meeting at 10:45

b. the landed of the plane on the air port

c. the visiting of Tom, Joanne and peter to the office

d. looking for a taxi in the air port

e. picking Tom,Joanne and Pieter on the airport

6. “There’s a meeting at 10.45. they’re no rush though”.

The word “ they” refers to...........

a. heaps

b. the receiver

c. Rob skillern

d.The officer

e. Tom, Peter and Joanne

This text is for question 7

Dear Rio,
You call her your girl friend, but she has chosen own way. For this reason I’d say that there is nothing you can do except forget her and go on with your normal life. Hopefully you can find another and live happily forever.

7. Why do the girl’s parents disapprove of their marriage?

a. they don’t like Rio

b. the girl is still studying

c. Rio is from a different etnic group

d. They keep the Karonese tradition

e. The girl has chosen another guy

This text is for questions 8 to 10

Posted on 19 January 2012 by Vacancy

We are Admin Consultant Company in Bandung, seeking a candidate to fulfill the
position as Admin Data Staff with the following requirements:

Admin Staff

Job Description :

- Saving and uploading CV/resume to the system
- Company databases
- Administrative duties
- Assiting in online marketing campaign

The sucessful candidate will have :
- Fluent in both verbal and written English
- Good in Ms excel, Internet skills
- Preferably living in Bandung
- Preferably having previous experiences as data entry
- D3/S1 (English/Management/Secretary)

Please send your updated CV with expected salary to

8. What is the vacancy about ?

a. Consultant

b.Assiting in online marketing campaign

c. Administrative duties

d. Officer of administration

e. Saving and uploading staff

9. How do applicants send their CV ?

a. write and send it through post office

b. type and send it through e-mail

c. Write and come directly to the office

d. Call the company directly

e. Write and send it through facebook

10. Here are the vacancies in except...

a. Saving and uploading CV/resume to the system

b. Office administrator
c. Marketing area

d. Databases staff

e. Marketing online staff

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Text Narrative

Narrative is a text that has a function to entertain readers.
Here are some kinds of narrative stories.
- legend
- fable
- folktale
- fairytale
- play script
- myth
- short story
- Novel etc
Narrative has three main parts of its generic structure. They are Orientation, Complication, Resolution. Orientation is an introduction of who, when, where the story happened. Complication is an introduction of events or something happened in the story. On the other hand, it exposes some problems in the story. While resolution is the ending of a story.
Here is the example :
Once upon a time there was a queen named Oashin.She lived in a palace named permata. Her parents king named Prabu Wonggo Wijoyo loved her much.
One day, she went to the market near her palace accompanied by her guardians. She saw an old lady named Nyai Ayu Wulandari and her little grand daughter named Kusumaningtyas were kicked by some people. Watching  this She asked for her guardians to stop the violance. Finally, they were safe.The old lady and her little grand daughter felt happpy and praied the prince oasin to have very handsome man to be her husband.
In a month later there was a young man from her naighbour came to propose her to be his wife. He was very handsome. Then, she remembered about the old lady words. Finally they got married and live happily in Permata Kingdom
Good Luck / MAMALIDA (MA. Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo is the Best

Funny Story from ayu

One day there was a young girl named Febriyani Ayu. She was very beautiful girl. She lived in Sinanggul  with her parents and a little sister.
In one morning, she wanted to go to market near her house. But suddenly, there was her friend named Lalak and Lolok. “ Hi....ayu....where are you going?”lala Asked.Then Ayu answered “I want to go to the market to buy some vegetables”. Loking at ayu surprisingly she said “ You Looked so fat... but anyway you’re still beautiful”.then ayu answered “oh..thank you...sorry guys I’ve gotta go now”.after getting a little chat with her friends Ayu walked smilingly. Then, He saw a man named Iyan. She looked at him continously without realizing that besides her is a a couple minutes he fell down to the drain and her body was full of mud. Oh.......what a shamed!...then she got back home quickly to change her dress.

Madrasah Aliyah Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo Jepara (Mamalida) Memang Jozzz

Madrasah aliyah mathalibul huda mlonggo.......menuju generasi yang profesional dan beretika.
Baru – baru ini madrasah aliyah mathalibul huda mlonggo memperoleh hasil yang menggemberikan dalam kejuaraan lomba MAPEL se- Kabupaten Jepara yang diikuti oleh 24 Sekolah dilingkungan Kementrian Agama dan Lembaga Ma’arif dibawah koordinator KKMA 02 yang diketuai oleh Drs. H. Sugiwanto,MM. Lomba tersebut mencakup seluruh mapel yang berjumlah 19 Mapel baik yang masuk dalam rumpun agama maupun IPS dan IPA serta mulok yang dicanangkan oleh lembaga pendidikan Ma’arif. Merupakan suatu hal yang membanggakan bagi seluruh stakeholder (guru,Karyawan,dan siswa) karena kegiatan ini adalah yang pertama dan menjadi juara Umum dalam lomba Mapel tersebut. Berikut ini adalah daftar kejuaraan yang telah didapat Madrasah Aliyah Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo :
M. Yusuf
Suwawal , Mlonggo
Aqidah Ahlak
Anik Nur Afidah
Suwawal, Mlonggo
Qur’an Hadits
Tri Khayati
Sekuro, Mlonggo
Ke Nu An
Arif Arifuddin
Jambu, Mlonggo
Hafidudin el Haq
Jambu Timur, Mlonggo
Wahyuni Hidayati
Suwawal, Mlonggo
Matematika IPS
Lisnaatul Fauziyah
Suwawal, Mlonggo
Alike Lina Zuliana
Kawak, Pakis Aji
Matematika IPA
Ana Munayrotul
Sinanggul, Mlonggo
Bahasa Inggris
Syarifudin Maulana
Suwawal, Mlonggo
Indah Cahyaningrum
Jambu, Mlonggo
Choirus Saidah
Jambu, Mlonggo
Sungguh merupakan hal yang membanggakan bagi seluruh warga madrasah aliyah mathalibul huda mlonggo, khususnya bagi para bapak/ibu pembimbing yang telah bekerja keras dalam pembimbingan lomba mapel...selamat...selamat...and congratulation.....
All the best for Malida Profetik (MA. Mathalibul Huda menuju generasi yang profesional dan beretika)